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News & Media -> People - Oprah Winfrey - Oprah Winfrey

Official site of the Oprah Winfrey Show, the daytime talk show featuring special guests, featured stories, and surprises. Hosted by Oprah Winfrey.
Includes show schedule, features from O Magazine, an online journal, and message boards. is your leading source for information about love, life, self, relationships, food, home, spirit and health

Keywords:, Winfrey show talk show, O Magazine

Last edit: 27-07-2023 19:06:33
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Link comments:
Comment by: haytham, 27-12-2010 : 11:59
please oprah dont forget me
Comment by: Autumn...On John of God ppl who dont heal???..., 19-11-2010 : 23:37
Oprah not everyone will be healed cause everyone wasn't meant to be everything turn...there is a season...and a time to every purpose under Heaven
Comment by: Sharon Shemaiah Sharmini, 26-11-2008 : 13:09
Hello Oprah!! I really hope that you read my comment... I'm from Malaysia and I'm 14 years old..Weird huh--such a young person like me LOVE to see your show.. Its amazing how you open up my heart into realising that my life wasn't that horibble..I have my family and friends...and YOU!!.. Seeing your show through TV in Malaysia wasn't all that thrilling cause I can't see your latest,recent US show...but its okey,whether its new or old episode,your show rocks..Hey Oprah,ever thinking of doing a live show in Malaysia? I'm sure we Malaysian would love to see your life show..And if you read this comment,say this words in your next show-if you want... "LIFE IS LIKE A HORSE,U RIDE IT OR IT RIDES YOU...LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST"...Thanks again Oprah..and you should congrats yourself for succesfully making a kid(me) understand about life more 'deeply'................With luv,your greatest young fan,Sharon S.S
Comment by: Judy Magnussen, 06-10-2008 : 04:55
Dear Oprah,
My friend Denise will be travelling to Canada in December as her wish since she was six years old was to see a white christmas. When she was six she seen a christmas card with snow, a christmas tree with lights and thought it was so beautiful that she wanted to experience a white christmas before she died. She is now 62 and her dream will come true this year as her and i will travel to Quebec City for christmas and then to New York until January 3rd. Denise loves watching your show and was wondering if it was possible to get tickets for her and i to see your show and meet you before she travels back to Australia. i would love it if her dream of a lifetime came true. Please contact me if this wish is possible. Thank you. Judy
Comment by: Theresa, 15-05-2008 : 23:17
Dear Oparh:
I have a story to tell you and its about my Mom, she has to be the best mom in the world and I just want to let you know how much I respect and adore her. She takes care of me I'm eighteen, my sister and her 88yr old disabled grandmother. She gives us all unconditional love. She had to quit her job to stay home and take care of my Great Grandmother because she can't take care of herself anymore. She has tried to get a job online but all of the work at home jobs ask you for start up money which she can't afford. She has a hot meal on the table every night and makes sure that (Nana) has everything she needs. Its not easy for her, because she has to wash her grandmother and change everything for her everyday. Her grandmother has to have 24/7 care she has oxygen, a potty, a duo-neb so she can clear her lungs and my mom has even made room so that she can have a hospital bed in the livingroom. All she wants to do is to take good care of her granmother and I sat with her the other night and asked her why she does it and asked her why she hasn't put my Nana in a home and I was so moved by her answer that I had to write to you. She told me that every senior should be taken care of no matter what and since her daughter and son didn't want to do it, she felt that it was her job to do it. I said mom she not your mother and she said to me that if anything would have happened to her mother over the years Nana would have taken that job. She went on to say that there were times that she remembers when her grandmother would come and help mother with all the kids and the house so this is payback. She's always telling me that Nana has all her marbles and she would not servive in a nursing home. My mom in my eye is the most selfless person I have ever met. She will do for everyone else and not for herself. I would love to give back to my mom and the only thing that she always says is that she wants to go to your favorite things show, so if you could make that happen I would be forever greatful!!!!!!! Thanks for letting me tell my story Love Theresa
Comment by: Renee Kuesel, 03-03-2008 : 23:03
I was watching your show today 3/3/08 and was touch with what Drew is doing.
I just wanted to tell you a little story about something that made me very angry while staying in the hospital here in Delaware with my 16 old daughter.
A young girl and her family came to vist a family member her and their 9 year old daughter had a seizer. This caused the family to end up in the ER and then having to stay over in the hospital.
She ended up sharing a room with my daughter for awhile and I was not very happy with the a Dr. treated them. They were here from Nigeria. The questions asked by the Doctor were very rude.
He asked if she was taught at a school or at home, did they have doctors for epilectic children. The family repield no.
His comment was.. Oh come on now... you produce all that oil and make more money then our country and you don't have doctors to help you? I was never so embrassed for my country to have a doctor act like that!
I did not get the name of the family or if they are still in the hospital in Delaware. It is upsetting that some people can not understand the world of others and the help they need.
If at sometime you could find an orginazation to help those young children in Nigeria that suffer from epoleptic seizers. Thank you for your time and please keep up the GREAT WORK. Then world needs more people like you.
Comment by: Judi Tussey, 14-02-2008 : 07:42
I can't find Suzy Ormans free book.
Comment by: Kathy Blair, 21-01-2008 : 05:47
I am trying to get some ideas for finding resources to help get som new beds for nursing home residents in a small home in our town. Everyone deserves a comfortable bed and these little old people hav beds from the 1950,s I think. I thought somehow this comment might make it to someone like Ms Winfrey who has compassion for all people
Comment by: Val Wood., 22-11-2007 : 04:40
I heard about Oprah's distress re the South African school she donated. For various reasons I have been left in Australia but am actually a South African. I am an older person 63. I am a qualified and very experienced teacher who has also been head teacher of a school. I would love to help and would be willing to go to S.Africa to teach in this school. Circumstances dictate change for me. I do not know of a way to get this request to the correct place. With great admiration for Oprah. Val.
Comment by: Vicki Jones, 01-08-2007 : 19:46
My name is Vicki and I would Like to know if Oprah ever sponsers People that go on mission trips. I am trying to raise $ 1500 to go to the Ukraine in Jan. The name of the project is Operation Mary it is a hold and witness trip. Several ladies get together and we work in orphanage holding and taking care of babies. we also go to an orpahanage with severaly mentally and physically handicaped children. this through the Nazarene Church. I've seen Oraah's shows were she went to Arricia and I see the Passion she has for the children she helps. I want to make a difference in these babies lives . This project has been going on for since 2003 and I was able to go the first year but have not been able to go again. Please let me know if there is any way Oprah can assist me.
Comment by: kelvin davis of north carlina, 27-06-2007 : 23:55
my mom watch your show everyday and she sometimes say in a low voice that she wish that you could help us like she see you help other people on you show see we are homeless we have been living from house to house and time is running out for us my mom dont say it but i can see it in her face she has been looking everywhere putting app. everywhere she had to give my other brother to there fathers because she didnt have anywhere for them to go she crys all the time because she is afraid that she have to find a place for me i wish deep down in my heart that i could build my mom a house so my brother could came home to cause it is killing mom not to have them here with us is there anything you can do to bring my famliy back together for me and my mother please please please
Comment by: brenda smith, 22-06-2007 : 09:07
I would also like to say, thank you for your time and keep on doing what you are doing. Hopefully things will change. Not to be mean or offensive but I wish men would GROW UP AND GET OVER IT. Woman of all races should be able to be themselves no matter what they look like or race. Thanks again Brenda Smith Heath ohio.
Comment by: brenda smith, 22-06-2007 : 09:00
oprah, I like your show. And today on your show june 21 2007, something was said that kindof bothered me. The comment was black woman being degraded. Well if you think about it all woman no matter what race are degraded. If a woman cant seem to get a good job unless you know a person or blow a person. Its not based on what you know or what you can do anymore. Its who you know or who you blow. At least where I live it is. I have lost many jobs because I would not do these things. Thats why right now I am unemployed. So to make a long story short, all woman get called names and are degraded for one reason or another. whether you are black, hispanic,chinese, japanese, or white with big boobs like me.
Comment by: ginny whitney, 29-05-2007 : 04:51

I was just watching your show with Najee and his mother. Iam a 45 year old white women and I just had to voice my opinion on this one.
Najee is a very handsome young man and his mother is beautiful. I relate their experiences to my childhood. When I was younger, friends would say to me that I was fat. Later in life they would comment that I was too skinny, I needed a meal, or I was soo tan, too tan in some cases. I never let those comments affect me as Najee and his mom. People will always make comments - these comments are what make us stronger individuals in the long run. Maybe you could pass this info onto Najee and his mother. I ( 45yr. old white women) think they are phisically beautiful people. They need to consider the source of the comments. Sometimes the comments of others come from jealously of some sort.

Thanks for viewing - I just felt the need to voice my opinion on this one.
Comment by: jandee carroll, 25-05-2007 : 09:41
DEPRESSION... IM THERE Oprah I love you your show,your love, your compassion,your heart, your views,your stregths,yourheart, your awesome thanks for your peace you make the world a BETTER place I thank you ,,,
Comment by: Mary Arangua, 15-05-2007 : 16:26
Dear Oprah:
Love you! I am reading "The Beck Diet Solution, Train your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person" by Judith S. Beck, Ph. D. (Oxmoor House, 2007). She is the director of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. Her father, Aaron T. Beck, M.D. is the founder of Cognitive Therapy and one of the most influential psychotherapist in HISTORY!

Oprah, you should have her as a guest on the show! This book is amazing. The book teaches you the skills you need to diet successfully and to keep the weight off --permanently. I am reading Dr. Beck's stragedies for ensuring long-term weight-loss--based on over 20 years of successfully coaching dieters in her practice--including ways to:

Learn to stick to any diet
Make cravings to away--Fast!
Resist tempting foods
Deal with "trigger" eating situations
Say "No Thank you" to food pushers
Put an end to emotional eating
Conquer every excuse to overeat
Find time to exercise
Lose Weight and keep it off for a lifetime

This book should be on your Reading List! If you have not already heard about it, you may want to get a copy.
I think this is the answer, besides a magic diet pill! that we have all been looking for. Also, I have invested in a company in San Diego California that is working on developing a diet pill that is in clinical trials and which looks very promising. I only have 100 shares, but the company, Orexigen Therapeutics, but it has two drugs, one is Escalia, which helps lose weight and the other keeps it off. To date the studies look very promising.

Comment by: Sylvia Beatty, 17-04-2007 : 08:37
Oprah, You are one of the most treasured women in our lifetime...... Hurah for the woman who can show the world that not only can she earn it, learn it, and turn it but tht whe will carry many with her on the upward spiral to get to know who Heavenly Father really is....... I frankly think that if and when anyone ever mentioned a poor discription of any of your doings there might come out of the woodwark thousands of other women who just wouldnt't tolerate it. You are a gem in our universe and we love you from afar. Thank You for being you. You have inspired in all of us to do good things and to do things better. Most of all to believe we can. With Love and prayers always Sylvia

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